Disclosure from Data


As a Utility Manager myself, I got into developing my own databases and dashboards after not being satisfied with the available options. I wanted dashboards that were complex enough to identify any issues occurring anywhere across all utilities, yet simple enough to analyze quickly and take decisive action. With this approach to balance simplicity with complexity, I developed the Holistic Utility Management System (HUMS).


With experience in both implementing demand-side management utility programs and evaluating them, I developed calculators for various energy efficiency projects including but not limited to: lighting, HVAC, energy management systems, compressed air, window film, and spray-mist humidifiers. These experiences made me understand the need for automating calculations to review many projects in a timely manner while maintaining high accuracy.


I have connected data loggers on many commercial and industrial systems to record interval data and analyze pre- and post-energy consumption for energy efficiency projects. I have also mapped out meters for campuses and managed the installment of interval data meters in places I identified they were required from a utility management and operations standpoint.


Having led ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audits and implementing various energy, water, and waste conservation projects, I understand the importance of executing projects in a timely manner to minimize resource waste. After identifying projects, I identify and apply for any potential incentives or rebates, before proceeding to start, with rebates up to 70% received.


I got my start in the field of sustainability with the University of Michigan’s Plan Operations in 2006. Since then, I have worked with various organizations internationally and independently to minimize energy and water consumption, along with waste generation.

In my free time, I enjoy reading non-fiction, studying history, visiting ancient sites, traveling, building websites, playing tennis and chess, and feeding an ever increasing number of stray cats in my neighborhood after identifying a non-GMO cat food they love.


Our mission is to provide analytics that lead to action. Too often, people get lost in an endless array of dashboards, leading to paralysis by analysis. We are collecting and analyzing data and small details to disclose the bigger picture when viewed properly through the correct lens.

Looking at a chessboard, a Grandmaster and a novice will see completely different possibilities and moves with the same arrangement of pieces. Through my work, I fashion the lenses needed to gain high-level insights into what the data is disclosing so you can make moves like a Grandmaster, and maximize your impact with each move.


While I initially entered this field to minimize pollution, I realized that by minimizing resource consumption, we also minimize the impact of external pressures that are beyond our control like energy, water, and food prices by reducing our reliance on external providers. Ultimately my motive is to make home and business owners more self-reliant through reducing consumption, costs, and pollution, while maintaining or increasing productivity, quality, and standard of living.

As interdependent as society and the world has become at large, I believe self-reliance is the foundation of healthy human development and relations to ensure peoples’ relations are built on a voluntary rather than a forced basis. The more-self-reliant we become, the more we can be deliberate in how we live rather than being forced to accept a status quo that may go against our own interests and beliefs.


Have any questions? I am always open to discussing your business, new projects, creative opportunities, and how I can help you.