RESOURCES Guides and ManualsData and ProgramsNRCan Technical GuideseQuestPNNL Guide to Energy AuditsEnergyPlusASHRAE Advance Energy Design GuidesCBECSIPMVP Generally Accepted M&V PrinciplesRETScreenASHRAE EEMs to ConsiderEnergy Star Portfolio ManagerDOE FEMP M&V Guide V4.0ASHRAE Free SoftwareEPA WaterSense at WorkDegreeDays.netEERE Publication and Product LibraryWeather Data DepotEPA Environmental PublicationsDSIRE Incentive DatabaseNREL Publications DatabaseEPA GHG Equivalencies CalculatorRMI Research and Analysis DatabaseRMI Tools and SoftwareNote: Many more resources were publicly available for free in the past, but have now been privatized and are only available with memberships to various organizations. I have tried to include as many free resources as possible.